Social Workers

Sumter School District School Social Workers partner with the school, family, and community to facilitate a supportive environment that enhances the student’s school success.

School Social Workers’ roles include:

  • Connect students and families with community resources by assessing specific needs and building connections with those resources to ensure families with access and availability.
  • Communicate and collaborate with school officials, district staff and families by participating in parent meetings, Intervention Assistance Teams (IATs), Individualized Education Plans (IEP) teams, 504 meetings, etc.  Also to advocate on behalf of the students’ and families’ needs.
  • Advocate and educate school staff and community partners on behalf of the students’ and families’ needs and providing updated information regarding policies, procedures and laws that may be impactful in the school system such as McKinney Vento, Truancy Laws, Mandatory Reporting, etc
  • Assist with upholding and implementing the South Carolina Attendance Compulsory Law and Sumter School District Attendance Policy by educating staff, participating in implementation procedures at the school level (including the Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP) process), and consult and recommend referrals to Family Court for truancy.
  • Provide assistance to students and families when crisis situations arise to the best of ability and as resources will permit, while maintaining responsibilities of Mandated Reporting.  Also to participate on the Danger Assessment Team (DAT) as appropriate.
  • Provide brief counseling and group services to students and families as needed; and to facilitate or co-facilitate student groups as appropriate.
  • Identify, assess and coordinate McKinney Vento Services to include ongoing support and advocacy on students’ and families’ behalf.  Also to educate school staff, families and community members on the rights and needs of McKinney Vento students.
  • Provide direct resource services throughout the District such as Backpack Program, food pantries, clothing closets and assistance to access needed school supplies.